By EVPAD | 23 April 2021 | 4 Comments
How to install and uninstall the APP for EVPAD TV Box?

Install and uninstall EVPAD TV Box App is very simple. Just follow as below:
◆ Innstall APP method One - EVPAD 5S hidden apps password - EVPAD 5P hidden apps password
1. On the home page of the TV box, press "6868" with your remote control to download automatically.
2. Then Press "Xpress Install" button. All Apps will be installed automatically. Just wait for a few minutes.
Note: "EVPAD Store" can only be downloaded through "6868".
◆ Innstall APP method Two
1. Do method one as above. Make sure the "EVPAD Store" application has been installed.
2. Download the APP from "EVPAD Store". You can select which App you want.
◆ Uninstall APP method two
On the home page of the TV box, there is an "Uninstall function" button. Click and choose any Apps you want to uninstall.
Attention Please:
These methods of install and uninstall EVPAD Apps are suitable for all the latest EVPAD TV Boxes. Such as EVPAD 5S, EVPAD 5P, EVPAD 5Max.
If you still have any questions, please contact us: [email protected], Thank you.
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