What Are The Deciding Factors For The Best Smart TV Box?

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By EVPADPro | 02 May 2019 | 0 Comments

What Are The Deciding Factors For The Best Smart TV Box?

The decision to buy a TV box is one that you must not take lightly. TV boxes provide the best way to access several channels. It would be best to get one that accrues maximum benefit. The latest invention in TV boxes is the free tv black box smart tv box. A smart TV box allows you to stream movies through channels such as Netflix on your TV. Prior to the smart TV box invention, streaming of movies only happened through tablets and laptops. There are several sites online selling smart TV boxes. This article will help you decide on the factors to consider to get the best smart TV box.

What Are The Deciding Factors For The Best Smart TV Box?

What are the deciding factors for the best smart TV box?

· Processor

The processing power and Ram of a smart TV box are essential features. Having a smart TV box that is always lagging is not fun. The best smart TV box is one with an octa-core processor. However, you can also opt for one from a 1.5 GHz 4-core processor and higher.

What Are The Deciding Factors For The Best Smart TV Box?

· Storage

A smart TV box memory helps its operating system to run properly. Therefore, the memory storage and the operating system of a smart TV go hand in hand. The best smart TV box will have at least a Ram of 4 GB accompanied with storage of 32 GB and above. Also, you can add external memory to the Smart TV box. Therefore, if you are looking for the best, it would be best to get one that supports a microSD card of at least 64 GB.

What Are The Deciding Factors For The Best Smart TV Box?

· Positive product review

While in the market for purchasing a smart TV box, it would be best first to read the reviews. Do not just read one or two, but several of them to make the right decision. When a smart TV has many positive reviews, it means it is among the best in the market.

What Are The Deciding Factors For The Best Smart TV Box?

· Google play enabled

The best Smart TV box will have Google play. Google play will help in installing apps. If it does not have Google play, it should be able to support it after download.

What Are The Deciding Factors For The Best Smart TV Box?

· USB ports

Peripherals and Bluetooth receivers are some of the essential USB ports that a smart TV should own. Also, the best smart TV box should be able to support a Bluetooth device. 

Bluetooth is essential in connecting your phone to the smart TV box.

What Are The Deciding Factors For The Best Smart TV Box?

· Display and video

The best smart TV box free box tv 4k supports HD content and 4k videos. It should have, dynamic refresh rate switch, 265 hardware decoding, and HDMI. For the 4k streaming of videos, the best HDMI is HDMI 2.0.

What Are The Deciding Factors For The Best Smart TV Box?

· Network connectivity

A smart TV box 4g free net tv should be able to connect to wifi. The best smart TV box should support HDR technology.

What Are The Deciding Factors For The Best Smart TV Box?

Tips to consider while buying a Smart TV box

  • Latest updates of the firmware
  • Customer support
  • Performance competence level
  • Affordability

What Are The Deciding Factors For The Best Smart TV Box?


Selecting the best smart TV box to buy is not an easy task. The many smart TV boxes in the market can be confusing on what you chose. The above features will guide you in making the right decision.

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